Responsible: Paulo Eigi Miyagi
This research project involves the systematization of techniques for the design and implementation of control systems for balanced automation, that is, the development of methodologies for specifying discrete event control systems (systems with discrete states and instantaneous events) and/or hybrid systems (systems which co-exist discrete states, instantaneous events, and continuous variables) within the context of anthropocentric systems (Humam centered systems) and balanced (balanced automation systems). The project includes the following topics:
Supervisory Hybrid Systems
This theme is aimed at the study and development of methodologies for modeling, analysis and specification of hybrid supervisory systems. The approach is based on modeling tools and analysis of discrete event systems and Petri nets extended to the treatment of continuous variables.
Flexible (intelligent) production systems
This theme aims to develop methodologies and support systems for design, analysis and control of manufacturing systems and assembly. It is considered that these systems can be studied from the standpoint of discrete event systems and thus investigates the effectiveness of techniques based on Petri nets and their extensions such as the PFS/MFG (Production Flow Schema / Mark Flow Graph). The points investigated are remote management of automated systems and fault detection and treatment process.
Integration of systems and activities in intelligent buildings
This topic concerns the characterization and development of an integrated and modular system for the management, control and monitoring of intelligent buildings, infrastructure with computer-assisted sensory. It is considered that intelligent buildings can be treated as a discrete event system where the concept of open automation systems play a fundamental role.
Keywords: discrete systems, supervisory control, hybrid systems, performance analysis.